
GACS Working Group at RDA IGAD

During the Agricultural Data Interest Group I participated in a meeting of the GACS/GODAN working group. Main result of this meeting was the redefinition of GACS as "Global Agricultural Concept Space" in stead of "Scheme".   The existing scheme in GACS is only an exemple for many more schemes to come to create a real interoperation hub for vocabularies in the AgriFood System.  Basis of the discussion was a position paper authored my Tom Baker and myself ();

Ridimensioning Facebook



From today on I will not use Facebook anymore to publish originary content.  I will reopen my blog at, which I stopped in 2013.  I want to be able to  manage my pictures, thoughts and news as I like, I want to maintain control. I don't want to give this control to Facebook.

Johannes Keizer Appointed Guest Professor in Chengdu

During a Conference on the potential of big data in Agriculture, on wich keynotes were given by Takuji Kiura an myself,    I was appointed Guest Professor at the Information and Documentation Center of the Chinese Academy of Science in Chengdu.  I am proud of the collaboration with Chai Miaoling and her team and I am looki

G20, MACS Meeting 2017

Also in 2017 I represented GODAN at the G20 -MACS meeting (Meeting of Chief Agricultural Scientists).  macs 2017Together with Daniel Martini I gave a presentation about the results of working on open data in 2017, and especially on the Linked Open Data workshop organized by the Germann G20 presidency

Establishment of Collaboration with GKAH ERI

In September 2009 I visited the Digital Research Institute of GKAH.  GKAH is one of the biggest agricultural state companies in China. Particularly, it is among the 10 biggest Pig producers.  GKAH aims to  make their pig production more efficient and    more sustainable.  ERI is in charge to find worldwide state of the art methodologies.  In 2017 ERI visited pig research institutions in UK, FrGKAH ERIance and Denmark.


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