"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
One corner stone of the Chinese foreing policy is the principle of Non-Interference into the internal affairs of another country. If another government slaughter a minority, violates human rights, oppresses women, all this should not matter for the relationships between countries. Only the United Nations, if in unison should have the right to intervene. As getting an unison decision from the UN is difficult today and will become nearly impossible tomorrow, the cementation of national inviolability will become very strong.
In Germany High School Students and University students are on strike. Well, some of them. At the moment it really does not look like a mass movement :-).
Reasons: what I got from the radio stations, the university students are protesting against the introduction of university fees and against the "Bologna Reforms" which introduced the split of German University curricula into Bachelor and Master Courses. The High School Students are protesting against too big classes and the shortening of the secondary schooling from 9 years to 8 years.
This was a marvellous spring day! So I used the sunset hours for a walk through my neigbourhood "SO36". SO36 is the name of one of the most famous clubs in the area, but it is also used to indicate this part of Kreuzberg. Well, I crossed the border several times, the border between "Mitte" und "Kreuzberg", the border between what was until 20 years ago Berlin? Wild West and the eastern part behind the wall.
"Zwei Wochen vor der Inauguration Barack Obamas (47) als Präsident der Vereinigen Staaten wurde in Rotterdam zu Beginn der Woche der marokkanisch-niederländische Doppelstaatler Ahmed Aboutaleb (47) in
sein neues Amt als Oberbürgermeister der größten europäischen Hafenstadt eingeführt." https://www.zeit.de/online/2009/02/rotterdam-aboutaleb