"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
Carissimi, è giunto il momento di salutarvi. Vi comunico che lascerò l’Italia, la mia azienda e quindi anche il Gruppo Giovani Imprenditori, per iniziare una nuova avventura in ter
ISTAT has published the demographic Indicators for 2011. The Italian population. The population in Italy has grown by about 220,000, there are more than 60 million people living in Italy. Behind these number is hidden that the "Italian" population shrunk by 65,000. Only because of the increase by "foreigners" of 290,000, the overall increase results.
Avevo una discussione oggi sulla manovra Monti con una mia collega che sosteneva che la manovra porterebbe a nuovi grandi numeri di persone che dormono sulla strada e che devono andare alle mense pubbliche per mangiare,
I don't agree with those, who are crying against the measures that the Monti Government has decided to combate the budget deficit. I mostly agree with the big measures and also with the small ones.
Pension System: this is the main pont, where bancrutpcy was looming. Now finally:
"Democratic decisions can be wrong, unjust and impractical, violate the country’s constitution and even violate basic human rights. They can even relate to issues for which the democratic system is quite simply inadequate".
This is a citation from the article in openDemocracy which discusses the Swiss plebiscit againt the construction of minarets in switzerland.