"I have approximate answers and possible beliefs and different degrees of certainty about different things, but I'm not absolutely sure of anything..." (Richard Feynman)
I wrote about my plans at the beginning of this year. One of this plans was to have a big summer party at the Buon Respiro. And this did happen! Many family and friends came on June 22. Next year it should be still bigger. Reserve the last Saturday in June to come to Umbria.
Russells liberal opinions, expressed in this book are surely sometimes based on some wrong antropological assumptions. The book is also surely gender biased (male!!). But still an interesting read - and I agree mostly with him. First published in 1929 - ISBN 0-415-07917-9
S.88 pp ....This, however, is an example of the mental peculiarity of human beings, from which spring both their vices and their intelligence, namely the power of imagination to break up habits and initiate new lines of conduct. ... In general, marriage is easiest where people are least differentiated. When a man differs litle from other men, and a woman differs little form others women, there is no particular reason to regret not having married someone else.....
Nel modo di vivere una relazione c’ è una grande varietà possibile. Anche una relazione intensa può esistere senza convivenza basata solo su incontri singolari. Anche vivere insieme può avere tanti significati diversi. Una volta sposarsi significava promettersi di stare insieme per la vita, oggi? Gia nel regime della separazione dei beni... c’è l’annuncio che si potrebbe anche dividersi nel tempo. Progettare una vita insieme è molto di più di una relazione di amore. E’un contratto. La fine della relazione sentimentale costituisce anche la rottura di questo contratto.