
Are Economics science?

Hey, Economics Geniuses! What Happened? - BusinessWeek
magazine cover
The business week articles treats how the world economists failed to predict the finance crisis of the last year.  One of the reader commented: " so what? economics is not science, but philosophy and you cannot get any relevant guidance out of that". 
This is widespread opinion,  linguistically well expressed in English, where "science" is only applied for physics, chemistry, biology and the likes, whereas all the other stuff is labeled as "humanities". 

Time for Science to Reclaim Its Progressive Roots

Jonathan Moreno and Rick Weiss have published a collection of essays from "science progress" that will be published soon (

I would like to cite some of the most significant  passages from the introduction:

"One of the things we love about science is that it is nothing if not argumentative. Both as a way of thinking and as a wellspring of novel ideas and products, science is a tumultuous truth-seeking process and even further, we contend, a revolutionary force for human liberation.

Isabelle Stengers: Spekulativer Konstruktivismus

Merve Verlag: ISBN 978-3-88396-246-7

Aus dem Vorwort von Bruno Latour:

"Sicher koennten unsere Gesellschaft und Sprache, unser Verstand und Gehirn die Ursache fuer ein Missverstaendis sein, aber der Hauptpartner, der nach den Quellen von Ungewissheiten befragt werden muss, ist die Komplexitaet der Welt, die nicht draussen wartet und sich selbst nicht gleich bleibt."

The comprehensible cosmos

Citing Kip Thorne:

Throughout this book, I shall adopt, without apology, the view that there does exist an ultimate set of physical laws (which we do not as yet know but which might be quantum gravity), and that those laws truly do govern the Universe around us, everywhere. They force the Universe to behave the way it does.

Then commenting on that Stenger says:

Beitrag zum Symposion: "Universalitaet unter pragmatischem Anspruch - Philosophie im Bologna Prozess"

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