Thinking the Left

The problem is not globalization! A new distribution campaign in the industrialized world is necessary..

There are new reasons for a traditional leftist approach to social politics!  Reasons to defend globalization and capitalism!   If globalizations leads to the impoverishment of the lower middle classes and to the outrageous enrichment of the upper 10%, the consequence will be that the rage of the impoverished will  not go against the rich, but against the developing countries which are taking their place in the world economy. So the "struggle of class" becomes new sense in the developed world.

Demand the nearly impossible

But when politicians look only one or two weeks ahead, we, the citizens, should compel them to look one or two years ahead. When they raise their sights to one or two years, we should insist on ten or twenty. We should not demand the impossible of them; just the nearly impossible. Demand it of them and of ourselves. For we are the thousand million, that never have spoken yet.

On State monopoly of power

..Schoolchildren are currently fed the disinformation that Native Americans and other peoples in pre-state societies were inherently peaceable, leaving them uncomprehending, indeed contemptuous, of one of our species greatest inventions, democratice government and the rule of law.....


Europe, America , Value Differences

I agree completely with Timothy Garton Ash about the stupidness of constructing a contraposition between good Europe and bad America, or the other way round. But this should not lead to the conclusion that there are no differences of opinions, values and prospects. These differences are not between Europe and America but within both of them . I also feel uncomfortable between the division of the world in " liberal democracies" and the others. ALso within the liberal democracies there is debate about the direction of development.

Quelli che votano radicale «per far ballare Prodi»

Viaggio tra gli elettori di Ds, Margherita e Prc tentati dalla strana coppia Boselli-Bonino. Per difendere la laicità dello stato e non solo.

• da Il Manifesto del 30 marzo 2006, pag. 2

di Luca Fazio, Giorgio Salvetti

La Rosa nel pugno in faccia lascerà il segno. Pesante. Troppo tardi per scansarsi, nel centrosinistra qualcuno lo ammette. «Siamo molto preoccupati». Potrebbe non essere da fantascienza uno scenario dove saranno Intini e Capezzone a fare il Bertinotti della situazione. Non è un sondaggio, ma è l'aria che tira. «Ma, senti un po', e la Rosa nel pugno?».

Impressionen von der Demonstration fuer die Befreiung von Giuliana Sgrena

150 zu Contessa tanzende Studenten unter Regenbogenfahnen. Das ist ungefaehr so konsistent wie Che Guevara auf einer Friedensdemonstration. Aber zumindestens nicht klaeglich.

Alle Voelker wollen den Frieden, keine Regierung - das ist Ausdruck der Klaeglichkeit der Linken.
Sie ist petulante geworden.

Dann schon lieber: Ridate ci Giuliana, vie diamo Berlusconi...

Verhaeltnis Deutschland Amerika

Womöglich ist das für Altatlantiker ein noch schlimmerer Schock als für die jetzt in Deutschland regierenden 68er. Joscha Schmierer, ein Freund Joschka Fischers aus linksradikalen Tagen und mittlerweile im Planungsstab des Auswärtigen Amtes, erklärt es so: Der klassische Nachkriegs- und Nato-Atlantizismus hat die Vereinigten Staaten immer bloß als Stabilitätsgaranten betrachtet, er hat „nur das ordnende Moment im Blick gehabt und das revolutionäre übersehen“. George W. Bushs Amerika aber ist keine Status-quo-Macht mehr, sondern eine Kraft der Veränderung, ein weltpolitischer Unruhestifter.


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