
Establishment of Collaboration with GKAH ERI

In September 2009 I visited the Digital Research Institute of GKAH.  GKAH is one of the biggest agricultural state companies in China. Particularly, it is among the 10 biggest Pig producers.  GKAH aims to  make their pig production more efficient and    more sustainable.  ERI is in charge to find worldwide state of the art methodologies.  In 2017 ERI visited pig research institutions in UK, FrGKAH ERIance and Denmark.

MTSR 2016 - Best Paper Award for Johannes Keizer and Fabrizio Celli

Johannes Keizer and Fabrizio Celli got the best paper award at MTSR 2016 (the 10th international conference on Metadata and Semantics Research) The awarded paper  had the title "Enabling Multilingual Search through Controlled Vocabularies: the AGRIS Approach "  (see attached presentation)

I also gave a keynote at this conference, which is at


Promotion of GODAN in China

In june 2016 I visited South China to promote GODAN among agricultural research Institutions. South China GODAN tripI gave presentations at the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Science, the Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Science and Information and Documentation Center of the Chinese Academy of Science in Chengdu. The Chengdu Center and the Guangdong Agricultural Academy joined GODAN.

GODAN representation at the G20 MACS meeting in Xian

In 2016, GODAN was the first time officially appointed as an Observer to the meeting of the  G20 Agricultural Chief Scientists. I represented the GODAN secretariat at the meeting in   Xian.  Now all important Agricultural institutions of G20 members are GODAN partners (except Russia). Germany announced at the meeting to hold a Linked Open Data workshop in 2017 and to create a German position in the GODAN secretariat


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