Biochemistry Publications (1989 - 1996)

Leaching Indices of Some Major Triazine Metabolites;

Keizer,J.Bottoni, P., and Funari, E. Chemosphere, Vol. 32 No.7. pp.1401-1411, 1996.


Acute Toxicity of two Carbamates to the Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and the Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio)

Gallo,D.; Keizer,J.; Merendino,A.; e Vittozzi,L.; The Science of the Total Environment; Vol. 171 Nos 1 - 3 pp 131 - 137, 1995


Enzymological differences of AChE and diazinon hepatic metabolism:

correlation of in vitro data with the selective toxicity of diazionon to fish species. Johannes Keizer, Giuseppina D'Agostino, R.Nagel, Teresa Volpe, Paola Gnemi and Luciano Vittozzi. The Science of the Total Environment; Vol. 171 Nos 1 - 3 pp 213 - 220, 1995


Mobility of Triazine Metabolites in the Soil.

L. Donati, J. Keizer, P. Bottoni, R. Scenati and E. Funari, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Environmental Behaviour of Pesticides and Regulatory Aspects, Brussels, 1994


Biochemical markers for organo-phosphate toxicity

Johannes Keizer, Giuseppina D’Agostino, and Luciano Vittozzi. 2. Congresso nazionale. meccanismi di tossicità nella valutazione del rischio; effetti degli inquinanti ambientali: aspetti tossicologici e normativi. genova fiera congressi 14-16 aprile 1994; abstract book p. 50

Improvement of laboratory methods to determine the KOC of herbicides by reversed phase chromatography; correlation between KOC and Freundlich-coefficient for different soils.

Loredana Donati, Johannes Keizer, Paola Bottoni and Enzo Funari. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Volume 13 1994

Comparative Aspects of the Metabolism and Toxicity of Xenobiotics in Fish

Luciano Vittozzi, Johannes Keizer, Maria Adelaide Iannelli and Stefania Soldano, in Contaminants in the Environment, Edited by Cristina Fossi, Aristeo Renzoni, Lorena Lari and Niccolo Mattei, Chapter No.6 p. 73-78, CRC Press, 1994.

Organophosphate Acute Toxicity Tests with Freshwater Fish - The Choice of the Species Strongly Influences the Results

Johannes Keizer, Giuseppina D’Agostino, Ivano Camoni and Luciano Vitozzi. Eighth IUPAC Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Washington D.C. July 4-9-, 1994, abstract book p.544

Leaching Potential of some Triazines and their Degradation Products Assessed by Laboratory Methods

Loredana Donati, Paola Bottoni, Johannes Keizer and Enzo Funari. Eighth IUPAC Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Washington D.C. July 4-9-,

Comparative Diazinon Toxicity in Guppy and Zebra fish: Different Role of Oxidative metabolism .

Johannes Keizer, Giuseppina D'Agostino, R. Nagel and Luciano Vittozzi. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 12/7 (JUL 1993), p.1243-1250

Diazinon: target sensitivity, activity of metabolizing enzymes and toxicity, a comparative study on guppy, zebra fish, carp and trout

Johannes Keizer - Invited lecture at the SECOTOX REGIONAL MEETING, ROMA 1993, abstract book p. 74.

Biotrasformazione in vitro di substrati modello e correlazioni con la tossicità specie-specifica di pesticidi organofosforici nei pesci.

Johannes Keizer e Luciano Vittozzi; FATMA; Atti del 1° Convegno Progetto Finalizzato Prevenzione e Controllo dei Fattori di Malattia; (CNR 1993), p. 113-119)

In vitro biotransformation of xenobiotic model substrates and correlations with the species-specificity of organothiophosphate toxicity in fish.

L. Vittozzi and J.Keizer. The 2nd European Conference on Ecotoxicology (SECOTOX), Amsterdam May 11-15, 1992, abstract book S-22

HPLC Comparison of coeliac active peptide Fractions, obtained from different affinity methods.

Dessi M.R., De Vincenzi M., Keizer J., Maialetti F., Mancini E. The Italian Journal of Biochemistry, Vol.41/2 p.113 -115 (1992)

Biotrasformazione in vitro di substrati modello e correlazioni con la tossicità specie-specifica di pesticidi organofosforici nei pesci

J.Keizer and L.Vittozzi. CNR, Progetto finalizzato FATMA, SP2/Qualità dell'ambiente e salute. "Il Ciocco" - Castelvecchio (Lucca). 14-16 Giugno (1992), abstract book, p.54)

In vitro activity of hepatic enzymes, in vivo metabolism and toxicity, what are the correlations?

J.Keizer, G.D'Agostino, R.Nagel and L. Vittozzi. SETAC Europe, Berlin, June 21-24, ., June 28-July 3, 1992, abstract book p.276.

The regioselective binding of CHCl3 reactive intermediates to microsomal phospholipids.

De Biasi A., Sbraccia M., Keizer J. Testai E., and Vittozzi L., Chemico-Biological Interactions, Vol. 85/2-3, p.229-242 (1992).

Adsorption of some atrazine metabolites to different Sardinian soils- correlation with the KOC, obtained by reversed phase chromatography.

Keizer,J.,Donati,L.; Bottoni,P., Scenati,R. and E.Funari. SETAC Europe, Berlin, June 21-24, 1992,, abstract book P-B8

The toxicity of diazinon in fish. Mechanisms and interactions with environmental pollutants.

Keizer,J. and Vittozzi,L., IVt European ISSX-Meeting, Bologna July 5-7 (1992), abstract book, p.43

Laboratory methods to estimate the mobility of herbicide metabolites in the soil.

Abstracts of the Sixth International Congress of Toxicology. J.Keizer; L.Donati; P.Bottoni, R. Scenati and E. Funari. Rome 28 June - 3 July 1992. Toxicology Letters, Supplement 1992, p. 276

Autoinhibition of diazinon activation; different modes of toxic action

Johannes Keizer, Giuseppina D'Agostino and Luciano Vittozzi. SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) EUROPE founding conference. Sheffield, April 7- 10 , 1991. abstract book

The importance of biotransformation in the toxicity of xenobiotics to fish:

I. Toxicity and bioaccumulation of diazinon in guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio).

Johannes Keizer, Giuseppina D'Agostino and Luciano Vittozzi Aquatic Toxicology 21(1991) 239-254.

Alaclor, Metolaclor, Metazaclor, Propanil; Degradazione e Metabolismo nel Suolo.

Johannes Keizer e Enzo Funari; Rapporto per il Ministero dell'Ambiente. Luglio 1991

Chloroform bioactivation by microsomes from colonic and ileal mucosa of rat and man.

Emanuela Testai, Johannes Keizer, Gian Maria Pacifici and Luciano Vittozzi. Toxicology Letters, 57(1991) 19-27.

Metabolism Based Differences of Diazinon-Toxicity to Guppy (P.Reticulata) and Zebra Fish (B. Rerio.)

J.Keizer, G. D'Agostino and Luciano Vittozzi. Department of Comparative Toxicology and Ecotoxicology, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy. 12th Conference of the European Society For Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Utrecht 27-31 August(1990).

La Tossicocinetica del Diazinon:

Studio comparato fra guppy (Poecilia Reticulata) e Danio Zebrato (Brachidanio Rerio).

J.Keizer, Giuseppina D'Agostino and L. Vittozzi. Relazione sul Quarto Congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Ecologia, Cosenza 28 Ottobre - 1 Novembre 1990. Abstract book pag. 55

Chloroform Bioactivation in Colon Mucosa from Rat and Man.

J.Keizer, E.Testai and L. Vittozzi. Comparative and Ecotoxicology Dept., Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy. V. International Congress of Toxicology, Brighton, 26-21 July 1989, Abstract book p. 70 .

